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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Account page is gone!

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Posts: 109
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Hey guys,

Just noticed that my account page (right after you click on the Account Tab) is gone, it doesn't show anything.

Maybe it has something to do with the last update?



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Posts: 991
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Hi @beyondforce,

Please go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > General Tab and change the Account Page slug to something else, for example to "dashboard" or something else. Make sure it's unique and you don't have page and post with such slug.

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Posts: 109


It still doesn't work!


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Posts: 991


Make sure you don't have a copy of profile-account.php template file in your active theme /wpforo/ folder as a template customization. Also, if you have wpForo Users Custom Fields addon you should update to the latest version. Don't use old versions of addons with the new 1.7.0 version of wpForo.


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I don't have wpForo Users Custom Fields and the only addon that is out of date is the Advanced attachment which I have tried to disable it and it still doesn't work.

I don't have a copy of the profile-account.php template file either!


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Ok, then it's not possible to help you without admin access. If you want us help you please send admin login details to support[at] email address. We'll login and check it within next 12-24 hours.


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Okay, I have just sent an email with the admin info.


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Posts: 109


I have found the problem.

I wanted to hide the Social Networks & Website using CSS under "Profile" and accidentally I hid the whole "#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-table".

Problem solved!

I just need to figure out how to hide the above information without hiding everything 😉
