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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] After Switch to Threaded Layout, Some Older Posts Replies Set to Wrong Parent-Child Relationship

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I just recently switched my established and running forums from one of the original forum layouts to the (newer) threaded layout, and I'm now noticing that some (or many) of the previously replied posts aren't lining up in the logical "parent-child" order that they should (preferably) be in. 

For example, as the admin, I wrote the "answer post" (post #2) to a user's question (post #1), and someone else came in later and wrote a post like "That's a great solution!" (post #5) But unfortunately now, this "great solution" reply (post #5) in the threaded layout is now sitting as the child-reply post under another post (post 4) and not to my original "answer post" (post 2) — the logical and correct position.

Considering that I made this layout switch a year+ into the established forums, it makes sense there would be issues like this since the database probably wasn't saving the correct "parent-child" relationships of replies back when posts were originally published one under the other in order they were created.


I likely already know the answer to this, but I just wanted to ask to make sure — as an admin/moderator, is there any (reasonably easy) way to go in and alter the "parent-child" relationship of any of these "troublesome" topics where some of the post orders just don't make much sense anymore to future readers of these old threads?

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Hi @curtisb,

The threaded layout is designed to display replies trees. In other layouts replies are only displayed with date order. it doesn't matter to which post you've replied your reply will always be displayed after all current posts. BUT, the threaded layout replies are displayed under the post you've replied. Here is an example:

Regular Layouts (Extended, Simplified):

#1 Post (5 days ago)

#2 Post (4 days ago)

#3 Post (3 days ago)

#4 Reply or Quote to #2 (1 days ago)


Threaded Layout:

#1 Post (5 days ago)

#2 Post (4 days ago)

--- #4 Reply or Quote to #2 (1 days ago)

#3 Post (3 days ago)


So all is correct, and all are displayed with correct order. You just need to choose which layout you want.

And please note, all replies in threaded layout has an information about reply tree so you will always see to whom this post was replied and you can click and go to the repied post:



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Posted by: @martin

Threaded Layout:

#1 Post (5 days ago)

#2 Post (4 days ago)

--- #4 Reply or Quote to #2 (1 days ago)

#3 Post (3 days ago)

Thank you Martin for the time you took to explain the differences between the three types of layouts. It's definitely a testament that what I am seeing in my forum now is very unusual, and maybe something you've never seen before.

Using the example you typed out that I quoted in my post here, here's how my topic now in the threaded layout is showing:


Threaded Layout:

#1 Post (5 days ago - User 1)

#2 Post (4 days ago - User 1: he added additional comments to his original post #1)

-- #4 Post (2 days ago - User 1: replied to my post #3 but it's lying under his post #2, and in "reply tree" it shows he replied to himself — his name to his name)

#3 Post (3 days ago - User 2 [me]: I answered his initial 2 posts)


According to your example, my topic in question SHOULD INSTEAD probably look like this right?:


#1 Post (5 days ago - User 1)

#2 Post (4 days ago - User 1: he added additional comments to his original post #1)

#3 Post (3 days ago - User 2 [me]: I answered his initial 2 posts)

-- #4 Post (2 days ago - User 1: replied to my answer post #3)



After this switch to the Threaded layout, where I am seeing this weird issue above, another member eventually went in and added to the 4 posts. His reply (#5 Post) went straight to the top and is sitting right under the original post, even though he just recently made his post. Shouldn't this be at the bottom instead? Then I replied to this new post and like it should, my post went right under his.

But, using the above example — I changed the days ago number to accommodate a longer timespan — here's how this topic in question looks today with the additional posts:


#1 Post (7 days ago - User 1)

-- #5 Post (3 days ago - User 3)

---- #6 Post (2 days ago - User 2 [me])

#2 Post (6 days ago - User 1: he added additional comments to his original post #1)

-- #4 Post (4 days ago - User 1: replied to my post #3 but it's lying under his post #2, and in "reply tree" it shows he replied to himself — his name to his name)

#3 Post (5 days ago - User 2 [me]: I answered his initial 2 posts)




After I changed the layout to threaded, I also turned on the setting (Forums > Settings > Topics & Posts > Threaded Layout - First Post Reply Button). 

It's likely User #3 clicked this "first reply button" inside of #1 Post when he made his (#5 Post). Is it possible that having this setting turned on caused his post #5 to show up near the top in the second position instead of at the bottom under my post #3?

Not sure if this setting was causing any weirdness with my older posts that were created before switching to the threaded layout, I decided to turn this setting off. As of yesterday, I now have the "Threaded Layout - First Post Reply Button" set to "No" just in case. 

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Please keep your post laconic. I'm sorry but it's too hard to follow you. I don't have your forum database on front of me. But I know that there is no any way to get wrong order of replies. That's impossible. You can't say which post was posted with clicking on [Reply] button and which was not. This is the main point which is used to make a post as reply to another post. Using "Quote" and "Reply" button is important. if you just reply using the textarea below the topic it'll not be inserted in database as a reply to some post.

To make sure it's the end result, just go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and click on the [Rebuild Threads] button. Then click on the [Delete all caches] and check it again. The result will  100% be correct based on your database. The result will show you the correct tree. This is all I can say you. The thread builder functions work based on "parentid" and "root" fields of wp_wpforo_posts tables. Those fields data are saved when you click on reply button as I explained above. IDs can't be wrong so the order cannot be wrong too. 


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I'm sorry that I used too many words. I was just trying to be extremely detailed to give you as much information as possible to work with.

Apparently in one case I didn't use enough words because I didn't tell you I already tried to rebuild threads, clear all caches and clear my CDN cache and it still shows the way I say it does.


Posted by: @martin

But I know that there is no any way to get wrong order of replies. That's impossible.

If it's impossible, then why am I still seeing an ordering in my wpForo threaded forum that doesn't match your example of how threaded layout comments work?

I can sympathize with you though that you don't have my database or my forum in front of you which would be helpful. My forum is private behind a paywall, so I can't link to it here.

Can I email you there with credentials to login to a staging version of my website and take a look at it, and see if really is an issue or not?


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Posted by: @curtisb

Apparently in one case I didn't use enough words because I didn't tell you I already tried to rebuild threads, clear all caches and clear my CDN cache and it still shows the way I say it does.

Martin means wpForo cache buttons. Please let us know, have you navigated to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and clicked on these buttons:

And please let us know, have you migrated your forum from another forum board?


Posted by: @curtisb

Threaded Layout:

#1 Post (5 days ago - User 1)

#2 Post (4 days ago - User 1: he added additional comments to his original post #1)

-- #4 Post (2 days ago - User 1: replied to my post #3 but it's lying under his post #2, and in "reply tree" it shows he replied to himself — his name to his name)

#3 Post (3 days ago - User 2 [me]: I answered his initial 2 posts)

What was the previous layout? What do you mean saying "comment", is this the Q&A layout comment? Also, what means "#1", "#2"... numbers?

The Q&A layout should not be switched to any of other layouts.

Martin is correct, there is no way to check and understand all these without seeing the wp_wpforo_posts database. And it's too hard to go through all posts and check it even with database. I'm really sorry, but we can't do such a long and deep checking of your database data. Just try the [Rebuild Threads] button and check it again. If the result is still not good just switch it back to your old layout.




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Yes, the rebuild threads and clearing caches I did was in the wpForo Dashboard. Before I created this topic, I had already tried going to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and clicked on these buttons:Delete All Caches and Rebuild threads just to make sure this wasn't the issue and I could fix it myself. I tried these buttons a second time today after Martin suggested I do it just to be sure. Neither time made a difference it the post order.


What was the previous layout? What do you mean saying "comment", is this the Q&A layout comment? Also, what means "#1", "#2"... numbers?

Sorry if the word "comments" made it confusing. I was just attempting to be clear that the person who wrote the original topic post came back in and wrote a second post — adding more "comments" ... meaning additional thoughts of his own ... — BEFORE he received a reply post from me. I wrote the third post, the original poster wrote the first two.

The forum I'm having problems with was not the Q&A layout before. It was the Simplified Layout before I switched it to the Threaded layout.

As far as the #1, #2 you asked about, I was just following Martin's "table" example of where he called each post by a #, e.g. "#1 Post" and "#2 Post" to show the order chronologically that each post was left in the thread.


Martin is correct, there is no way to check and understand all these without seeing the wp_wpforo_posts database. And it's too hard to go through all posts and check it even with database. I'm really sorry, but we can't do such a long and deep checking of your database data.

I totally understand why you wouldn't have the time or resources to do something so deep. I wouldn't expect you to do such investigative work.

I actually was just hoping someone could take a visual look at the one topic thread (on the front end) that I've used as an example and tell me if I was crazy for thinking it wasn't displaying the 6 posts in that thread in the correct order and in the right place. That's all. (I could also email you a screenshot of the 6 posts)

If it wasn't displaying in the order it should, then I was thinking that might let you know maybe there is an issue in your code somehow as to how it "rebuilds threads" that you all would like to know about.


Just try the [Rebuild Threads] button and check it again. If the result is still not good just switch it back to your old layout.

As you can imagine, threaded comments have advantages over the simplified in many cases. So, I will keep your suggestion in mind. But, if I am noticing that new Topic threads are sorting posts correctly, and it's just my previous threads that have/might have issues, then maybe I will let them be.. even if they are a little confusing as to where they fall in order. 


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In new topics it'll work fine for sure.


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And please let us know, have you migrated your forum from another forum board?

Forgot to also answer this one. No, I have not done any migrating at all. Zero. It's always been a wpForo forum.