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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] BUG: Mod tools are unavailable if there are no replies to a forum topic

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The mod tools are unclickable if there aren't any replies made to a forum topic.

So if, for example, someone created a post in the wrong forum, mods would have to first reply to the topic and then be able to move, merge, split, etc.

Couldn't mods just move the topic without having to reply first?

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@annabwashere I cannot seem to replicate that. I have some topics with no replies, but can still move them to another forum. Can you send a screenshot of the problem you're experiencing ?


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What a drag. My screenshot tools don't capture the cursor.

This issue occurs throughout my forum. Now that I've checked closer, all of the links in that bar are unclickable until there is a reply: Last Post, Tools, and RSS.

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Posted by: annabwashere

What a drag. My screenshot tools don't capture the cursor.

This issue occurs throughout my forum. Now that I've checked closer, all of the links in that bar are unclickable until there is a reply: Last Post, Tools, and RSS.

Have you tried Greenshot ?

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I can't replicate it either. Seems to work fine for me.


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@anonymous20 @anonymous3542 Thanks for checking, guys! I will investigate deeper. Very strange indeed.