Hello there,
Please find attached, I am having two issues with wpforo. I cannot view or edit the unapproved and published posts. Secondly I have refreshed all the buttons on the dashboard but it is not updating, it still says i have 2 live forums which is not the case. Any help with this would be appreciated?
. I cannot view or edit the unapproved and published posts.
Please follow my answer in this support topic: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/list-of-awaiting-moderation-posts-now-showing/#post-44499
Secondly I have refreshed all the buttons on the dashboard but it is not updating, it still says i have 2 live forums which is not the case. Any help with this would be appreciated?
Please let us know, have you used the cache plugin. If yes please exclude wpForo Forum page from your cache plugin!
Almost all cache plugins should have an option to exclude pages from the caching process. You should exclude your forum home page from your cache plugin. This is very important.
More info here: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
Hi there I do not have a cache plug in. And my permissions as the user Admin is correct with full access to all forums.