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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Cannot remove topics

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I am having the same problem.

The two most recent posts under "Recent Widows". The newest was a test by myself the admin and I can not remove it or the other.


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Posts: 5090
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Hi @litprism,

Please try to find and delete the "Invalid X frame" topic from Dashboard. The published topics and post you can find on Dashboard > Forums > Moderation > Published subtab.Β Β 

And I don't follow you well. Don't you see the delete button under the post/topics?

Make sure you’ve enabled the following permissions for users Forum Accesses.

  • Can delete topic
  • Can delete replies
  • Can delete own topic
  • Can delete own reply

In most cases, Admin usergroup is attached to Full access. So you should check the Full access permissionsΒ 

More info here:

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Thanks for the reply.Β 

"Please try to find and delete the "Invalid X frame" topic from Dashboard. The published topics and post you can find on Dashboard > Forums > Moderation > Published subtab.Β  "

I have carefully gone through all post and topics under Dashboard > Forums > Moderation > Published numerous times and both topics are not there to delete.

And I don't follow you well. Don't you see the delete button under the post/topics?

If I click on either topic it just refreshes the current page. The other post/topics work fine. Try to click on them yourself.

Make sure you’ve enabled the following permissions for users Forum Accesses.

  • Can delete topic
  • Can delete replies
  • Can delete own topic
  • Can delete own reply

Yes all set as they should be.

Thanks for you time!


Posts: 5090
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi @litprism,

It'd be easy for us to check the issue if you provide us the admin login details. If it's possible please send the login details to info[at] email address. We'll check and provide some solution for you.Β 

I see a small CSS conflict on your forum. Please see the screenshot below.Β 

To solve this issue, please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, put the following CSS code in "Custom CSS code" textarea, save it delete all caches and press CTRL+F5 (twice) on the frontend. The issue should be solved.Β 

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-1 .wpforo-post .wpf-left .author-name{
padding-top: 94px !important;
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Posts: 4

The admin account has been sent to your email. Let me know if it did not work. Thanks!

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Posts: 5090

Thank you @litprism,

I've sent the login details to wpForo developers. They are going to check the issue. I'll update the topic asap. 

Posts: 5090
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Joined: 7 years ago


The issue is fixed y our team. Please check it.

Don't forget to press CTRL+F5 (twice) on the frontend to see the result.Β 

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Posts: 4

Thanks for your help! Great support! 😀