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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Can't log in to Forum

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I am unable to log in to the Forum.  It happened suddenly. I had logged in a few minutes earlier and replied to a couple of posts. Then when I tried to reply to another post I found myself logged out. I tried to log in again, my password seems to be accepted and I am taken to the forum but in the menu at the top it still says Log In instead of Log Out. Repeated tries yield the same result on my PC and my phone. One of my users reported a similar issue 2 weeks ago. At that time the log in process was working fine for me. He then told me that he was able to log in on his phone, just not his PC. Any idea what might be happening here?

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read this topic > wpForo and Cache Plugins

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@tutrix Thanks. I don't have any cache plug-ins. I did discover two interesting things. If I click on the link in an email notifying me that someone has responded to a topic I am following, the page that opens in my browser (Firefox) shows me as logged in, even though I had previously been logged out. I am able to do things like view my profile and remain logged in. However, when I click on a post or forum, I am invited to log in or register. When I try to do this, I am not logged in. It's strange that I seem to be logged in and not logged in at the same time.

The other thing I discovered is that I am able to log in and interact normally when using Microsoft Edge.

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@gav is your site song*.com ?

If yes, you have http:/ - https:// issues comming from images and also from missing https:// from menu links. Also probably from other places that i haven't found. You MUST fix those. All of them.

Also i get a very strange error when i visit your site.

http2/ 404 error while the HOME page is displayed.


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Your forum URL please.

In the meantime please read this topic:


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@Dimalifragis and @Robert

Thanks. The website is and the forum is at

Dimalifragis, is that what you meant by song*.com?

Strangely, it has started working again in Firefox without me doing anything.

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Posted by: @gav

@Dimalifragis and @Robert

Thanks. The website is and the forum is at

Dimalifragis, is that what you meant by song*.com?

Strangely, it has started working again in Firefox without me doing anything.

I didn't wanted to post your URL because of privacy. 

Did you read what i posted?

You have HTTP and HTTPS issues. Mixed Content in several places.

You must fix them. Also other 404 errors and JS errors.

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@dimalifragis Thanks for your consideration regarding the privacy issue. In this case, I didn't mind the url being public. My technical knowledge and ability is limited, so I am going to have to do my homework to understand what you are talking aboutand how to fix it. Thank you again.

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Posted by: @gav

@dimalifragis Thanks for your consideration regarding the privacy issue. In this case, I didn't mind the url being public. My technical knowledge and ability is limited, so I am going to have to do my homework to understand what you are talking aboutand how to fix it. Thank you again.

Just browse your site, home page, forums, login, register WHILE having pressed F12. F12 will open a console at the botton or side of your browser and look the errors you have.

As for mixed content, either Chrome or Firefox will complain about it and you will see a warning at the top left. See the yellow exclamation point at my capture.

Mixed content means that some LINKS (menu urls or IMAGES) have http: instead of https:.

Your login/session issues are probably due to that. Wordpress 5.7.1 has a solution for those kind of http/https problems, i see you run an old version.


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@dimalifragis Thanks again. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. I have upgraded to the latest Wordpress. It does seem to offer a solution in the form of a handy way to migrate everything to https, accessible from Tools > Site Health, but for some reason the problem is not flagged there, so there is no easy button popping up to rectify it like there should be. Strangely the Wordpress URL field in settings is greyed out/inactive, so I can't change http to https there either, so this might be related to the problem I suppose. I'm going to have to do some more work to find out what's going on.

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