I've set up wpForo on my webpage. Wordpress instalation is set to "Spanish" and wpForo is displaying in Spanish correctly.
There are some phrases I want to change but Im unable to.
I instaled "Loco Translate" and tried to update some phases, heres the screencap: http://prntscr.com/1a1ffrf
After Sincronizing and Saving, I cant see any difference on the frontend. Even after I clear Cache on Dashboard > Forums, and looking on a new private tab without any cache. Here is the screenshot with the phrase not updating: http://prntscr.com/1a1fy0m
I also tried to delete Loco Translate and translating manually on "/wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-languages/wpforo-es_ES.po", but changes are not being applied.
I use Loco Translate on other plugins and all works, what is happening?