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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Changing the profile URL?

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Posts: 23
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Joined: 8 years ago

Hi wpforo,

Thank you for the great plugin.

What generic link could we use to load the user profile in a profile menu? I've tried the shortcodes in a WP menu widget and it works. But when I need to make a custom link outside of the WP menu widget?

In addition where is the forum data stored (topics, posts)? On your server or somewhere on our hosting server? I've found only the uploaded avatars in our hosting server files.


Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

What generic link could we use to load the user profile in a profile menu?

All profile links have this structure:

In addition where is the forum data stored (topics, posts)? On your server or somewhere on our hosting server? I've found only the uploaded avatars in our hosting server files.

wpForo is not a 3rd party forum hosting, it's a self-hosted forum plugin. All your forum data are on your server in WordPress database tables with wp_wpforo_ prefix.

Posts: 23
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Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks Robert!

For the data -  I found it in phpMyAdmin in the DB tables. Great!
For the user links - so there is no generic link or shorcode that would work as a hyperlink? The shortcode works only in WP menu e.g. a menu that I made in WP Dashboard>Appearance>Menu. But I need it as a separate generic hyperlink that would lead everyone, who clicks, to their own profile page (the shortcode didn't work). Should a dev copy the functionality of the WP menu or there is an easy way?


Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

I'm sorry but there is no such shortcode or alternatives. You just need to copy and past user profile links.

Posts: 23
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Joined: 8 years ago

I can paste my profile link as a target of that menu button but then everyone who want to access their profile will click that menu button and open my profile and not their own. That is the issue. :S

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