I would like to assign primary and secondary user group to a user depending on certain events or status every time he signs-in into my website (to restrict access to certain topics). Which is the correct PHP code?
Other questions:
Is it possible to set the maximum number of nested answers to 0 for a certain sub-forum/topic?
Is it possible to always sort answers automatically by "likes"/votes?
Many thanks in advance
Hi @plc123,
I would like to assign primary and secondary user group to a user depending on certain events or status every time he signs-in into my website (to restrict access to certain topics). Which is the correct PHP code?
I'd suggest you read this article: https://gvectors.com/using-secondary-usergroups-in-wpforo-wordpress-forum-plugin/
This fAQ topic also may be helpful for you, here Robert explained the wpForo user permission system: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/
Is it possible to set the maximum number of nested answers to 0 for a certain sub-forum/topic?
You can set the Replies Nesting Levels Deep for the Threaded Layout. More info here: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/categories-and-forums/forum-layouts/threaded-layout/#thread-view-%E2%80%93-list-of-parent-posts-and-nested-replies
Is it possible to always sort answers automatically by "likes"/votes?
We're really sorry, but wpForo doesn't have such a feature.
Hi @Alvina,
ok, thanks. I will wait for next release then.
I would like to use the Q&A layout. Is there any option to sort answers by votes or likes (for example, changing internal query)?
Hi @plc123
The above-mentioned functions are available now. You just need to update the wpForo plugin to the latest version(v.1.7.7).