Hi, I want anyone to be able to access my website.
However, I want people to register AND BE CONFIRMED by admin, before they can post to the forum.
How do I do this with WPForo?
User registration is being processed through default WordPress registration system. Please search for Registration activation plugins, they should work for wpForo too. These are two good examples:
Thanks Robert,
Please correct me if I am wrong, but using the default WP system requires that users have to register for the entire site.
I want any random visitor to be able to access the entire site without registration BUT should they wish to post to a blog or forum they must register first. This registration to require admin approval.
This is stop the flood of spam I am receiving from Rumania.
Any ideas please??
Thank you,
By default wpForo allows see all forums, topics and post. Even it allows to see the [Add Topic] button. Once visitor click on that button, he/she see the message asking to register. user click on register button and create an account, then confirm it via email. Then should come the plugins I mentioned above, they'll not allow user to be active and you should activate them manually. More information about this step you should find in that plugin descriptions, I can't support any questions related to them.