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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Disable wpforo register form

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I am using the Ultimate Member registration form instead of the wpforo registration form. However, someone has found the wpforo registration form and spamming it. How do I disable it?

3 Replies
Posts: 3647
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hi @samhughey,

Go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab, disable`

  • Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL
  • Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL
  • Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page
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Posts: 6

@chris I had already done that but I received more bot registrations. I couldn't understand why it was still happening so I looked around the settings and disabled the wpforo registration, since I was using UM register form, and the bot registrations stopped.


Posts: 2615
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Joined: 4 years ago

Your url has /forum/community. How can that happen? Not correct.

Also limit your spam using some security plugin for WP.