Yes I searched the forums and tried everything suggested in them. None of them resolved my issue. There were several posts related to edit/delete buttons not functioning from one degree to another. Seems like a common problem with plugin.
My problem is not even as a general user. I can't even edit as an admin. I turned off all possible options that would limit access. All the timers are off, cleared all caches hundreds of times, tried 3 browsers, tried multiple accounts with various levels, created a new admin usergroup, and dozens of other things I won't waste your time listing.
Attached are the errors. All the other buttons work except edit and delete. Page does nothing and load icon just spins forever.
Need help. I can't launch website with this issue.
This is a hosting service PHP/MySQL configuration and version issue. Please deactivate wpForo and activate it again, then delete all caches, navigate to forum front and press Ctrl+F5. if it doesn't help, please follow this topic, this user issues are also hosting service issues: