Jul 21, 2020 3:29 pm
Hi @Robert
- I have put this code in my theme functions.php to be able to embed images. The code works well because it embeds the images maximising the size in posts.
- The problem is that you can only attach 1 image per post, which is why today I have purchased Advanced Attachments, together with a bunch of other wpForo premium add-ons.
- I am testing the features and I realized that once Advanced Attachments is activated, it appears that I lose the ability to embed images in posts (see point 1)
I am going to attach a couple of screenshots in the next posts with to illustrate the problem.
3 Replies
Jul 21, 2020 3:31 pm
So this screenshot is from a post with the embed code, but before I installed Advanced Attachments
Jul 21, 2020 3:35 pm
This other screenshot is after I installed Advanced Attachments.
As you can see, even before posting I can see that the image is shown as thumbnail.