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[Solved] Emoji Error

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Emoji Error

Hi Wpforo. 👍 

Today i am post a Emoji and not display correct.  its display (???)

Video Display Error:

Anexo URL Example:
With URL of Facebook have too another error, when post a URL from Facebook just Display a Error, so my community can not shared URL Facebook.
in that URL report the error:

the only way can shared URL From Facebook its via Code:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" href=" etc

But the Users not have idea of that metod, only posted the URL and display the error:

Thanks in advance for Support! 👍 
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About Emojis:

Check your DB charset it should be utf-8 mb4


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Hi @Chris Thank you for support.

Chek the DB Chartset and setting on (utf-8 mb4) its OK:

I still have this problem with the emojis.
the configuration of the database (utf-8 mb4) is ok.

Attached Information:
In my community the Emojis are very used, previously wpforo (Versión 2.1.5)  the Emojis used normally, but after I updated to the version wpforo (Versión 2.1.6)- I have had these problems.

In previes days i write to support, don't know if issue haved to do with this support.
it has been the only part where I had to modify the database via PhpMyAdmin.

is not a typical error.
I hope this information will be useful for support.
If you need me to make more changes via PhpMyAdmin or FTP you can let me know to help with support.

Thank you very much @Chris for Support.

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Anexo more information for support:

Today Tested in Movil, PC, and Tablet with Browsers (Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi)

Test wpForo Emoticons: Perfect, OK

Test Giphy add on: Perfect, OK

Test Emoji default: Error, display (???)

All teste on Movil, PC and Tablet

Anexo image resumen test:

Thanks you for support.
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1. Open wpforo_posts table from your DB
2. Navigate to Structure Tab
3. Make sure that body field is set to utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci

Also provide a screenshot of wpforo_posts tables, body field


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@chris Thank you Chris for support.  👍 

Today check via PhpMyAdmin that Table, and its OK.

Emoji default bug


Maybe, need to clean Cache or do it some steps i miss in upgrade from wpforo version (Versión 2.1.5) to (Versión 2.1.6) 🤔 


Thanks in advance Chris for support. 👍 

Muchas Gracias por el Soporte Chris 👍 

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Please provide admin access to your website, send the admin credentials to info[at] email, mention this topic in the email, and let me know here that you have sent the email.

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@chris Thank you so much, for Support Chris 👍 

provide admin access to wpForoSupport User in web

Hi wpForoSupport
In present time have a issue with default emojis, when post a eMoji DEFAULT, display (???) and not display a emoji.

The suppor of link:

Support @chris:

Website with issue emoji example:

Anexo image preview, tested today:

Thanks in advance for support wpForoSupport.

@chris Muchas Gracias por el soporte 👍 🍻 
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Hi Community WpForo.

Update information from emojis:

Today Test emojis post from (Table Default Emojis) and (Default emojis wpForo)
The first thing I notice, emojis should show images and not signs of ?

At the beginning it of report that bug the emojis showed me three question marks between brackets, now it shows four question marks.

With the emojis TEST: (Table Default Emojis) = Display some image emojis
With the emojis TEST: (Default emojis wpForo) = Display some image emojis

most of emojis present error or bug

Anexo: Image Preview TEST

URL Support Test:

- The (wpForo Emoticons ADD On) Work Perfect, the bug its in DEFAULT Emojis Wpforo
- The admin credentials to info[at] email sent it in three days ago on (9 marzo 2023)
- Video Reproduces BUG Emojis

Thanks in advance for support community

Best Regards
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Thanks for the info, we have got your email, need time to troubleshoot.

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We have checked your website, and found out that the problem comes from your hosting, you should contact them.

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First I want to thank Chris and the gVectors Team and wpForo Support.

Thank you very much for your time and disposition, excellent quality.

I will contact the hosting, it is a strange error.

I am very happy with WpForo for their quality and support.

Best regards
Thank you very much
Muchas Gracias Chris por el Soporte, ha sido de excelente calidad.
Excelente Soporte y Gracias por tu tiempo.
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You're Welcome 😉