Dear Sir/Ma'am,
I hope you're doing well. I have a wp website, hosted in a contabo vps machine. I've a problem with wpForo, When I do register as the user, I get the following error:
"Error 2252 | Please contact the forum administrator."
What I did from my side are:
1. I have enabled membership and selected Subscriber as the New User Default Role from here dashboard>>Setting>>general, also keeping the same domain name for both the wp address url and site address url.
2. Deleted the cache and cookies of my browser too, still it's not working.
3. Disabled all plugins and tested it again, but still it's not working.
4. I tried all steps, but I can't find a solution, I hope you can help me out to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance.
Please read this support topic:
The same issue is discussed there.
I have read all the posts published here. I followed and tried everything, but so far, I haven't been able to resolve my issue. I'm not sure, but it might be happening because I haven't installed Postfix for mail configuration. Is it important to set up email configuration? Kindly, please visit this DV lottery forum, and help me to understand and resolve the issue.