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[Closed] Error en perfil de miembro

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Your Login and Register pages do not work

And those are not standard WP pages. This is not related to wpForo, is it?

Posts: 3647
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Joined: 3 years ago


1. Navigate to Dashboard Pages, and check the Forum Page Slug and ID, then Navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > boards, edit the board and make sure that the board ID and Slug are set the same as in the Forum Pages.

2. In the Board settings, make sure that Turn WordPress to this forum board option is disabled.

3. Navigate to wpForo > Overview and Press Soft Flush Permalinks button, if that doesn't help, press Hard Flush Permalinks.

If all of the above options do not help, disable all plugins except wpForo and check the Forum again.

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it didn't work either

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Posts: 3647


Sorry for the late response, 

We cannot help you with your problem without testing your website, If you can give us admin access to your website we could check the problem and troubleshoot it.

If it's ok for you to provide us admin access, please send the credentials to info[at] and let me know here that you have sent the email.

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Access sent

Posts: 15
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Joined: 2 years ago

Hello! they could see? Can you let me know please? because I have the site published so that you can only see it

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Posts: 3647


We have emailed you back, about the account.

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