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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Feature request: Simplified Layout - Post List view with Threaded Replies

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Is it possible to create a threaded replies layout for the "Simplified Layout – Post List" view?

I really like the frontend of the Simplified Layout (so please don't change that!) BUT when reading a topic it would be so much more pleasant to have replies directly under the post it's a reply to.

Can this feature request be included in a upcoming release?

It would be highly appreciated by myself and the members of my forum πŸ˜€

I know that there is already an ThreadedΒ  Layout option but I dislike the frontend looks of it (sorry). So basically the code is already there and in my 'simplified' brain it's somehow combining the code with an option in the "Current Layout of this Category" section to select Threaded Replies.

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you can paste the post.php and post-thread.php from layout 4 into the folder of layout 2

1. Create / wpforo / folder in your current active theme folder.

2. Create / layouts / folder in / wpforo / folder

3. Create / 2 / folder in / wpforo / layouts / folder

looks like this

wp-content / themes / your aktiv theme / wpforo / layouts / 2 / post.php and post-thread.php

Theme Customization

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Briljant @tutrix 🤩Β - you made my day!

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@tutrix is it also possible to only show the replies once? I now see them under the post they are a reply to AND as a post on the main level. Makes the thread unnecessary long and demotivates people from reading further as they think they have read everything already once. I can't imagine that that is the way it should work.

Am I perhaps overlooking a setting?

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I just use a customized Simplified Layout, not a mix of Simplified- and Threaded Layout
So can't test it and therefore can't help you

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@tutrix no worries, thanks for your help so far. Will have to start digging into the code than to customize it as well. Would be great if the folks from Gvectors would know the solution out of their knowlegde base or something.

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@robert, @sofy, do you as administrators perhaps know how I can use the post.php and post-thread.php files from the Threaded Layout via an override for the Simplified Layout without replies getting presented as parent posts as well?

Tutrix helped me with the above info and it works but it shows the replies as well as parent posts and this is of course not what I want in terms of readability of the thread.

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Posted by: @golabs

@robert, @sofy, do you as administrators perhaps know how I can use the post.php and post-thread.php files from the Threaded Layout via an override for the Simplified Layout without replies getting presented as parent posts as well?

Tutrix helped me with the above info and it works but it shows the replies as well as parent posts and this is of course not what I want in terms of readability of the thread.

You should remove all customized files and folders from your WordPress theme's /wpforo/ folderΒ  and try this one:

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Posted by: @robert

You should remove all customized files and folders from your WordPress theme's /wpforo/ folderΒ  and try this one:

Apologies for the late response Robert.

Thanks!! That did the trick I was looking for. The solution from Tutrix was the otherway round apparently which then misses out on the vital things in the background.

Btw - I actually landed with copying both forum.php and topic.php πŸ™‚