Is it possible to create a threaded replies layout for the "Simplified Layout – Post List" view?
I really like the frontend of the Simplified Layout (so please don't change that!) BUT when reading a topic it would be so much more pleasant to have replies directly under the post it's a reply to.
Can this feature request be included in a upcoming release?
It would be highly appreciated by myself and the members of my forum 😀
I know that there is already an Threaded Layout option but I dislike the frontend looks of it (sorry). So basically the code is already there and in my 'simplified' brain it's somehow combining the code with an option in the "Current Layout of this Category" section to select Threaded Replies.
you can paste the post.php and post-thread.php from layout 4 into the folder of layout 2
1. Create / wpforo / folder in your current active theme folder.
2. Create / layouts / folder in / wpforo / folder
3. Create / 2 / folder in / wpforo / layouts / folder
looks like this
wp-content / themes / your aktiv theme / wpforo / layouts / 2 / post.php and post-thread.php