A while ago, I asked in the WordPress Forums how to remove 'Forum Dashboard' from my top admin bar, and got the reply:
Add this to your functions.php - remove_action('admin_bar_menu', 'wpforo_add_adminbar_links', 999);
This little snippet was a godsend, until a few weeks ago when it stopped working.
Even worse now (according to the staff at Perfmatters) it is adding 10 seconds loading time throughout the admin section, and 2-3 seconds loading time on the front-end due to those silly little emojis that are now loaded inside 'Forum Dashboard', meaning that I now have to 'allow emojis' rather than 'disable emojis', which is the way that I usually work.
So the obvious question that I'm asking here is:
How do I permanently remove 'Forum Dashboard' from my top admin bar now that the above script has stopped working?
Hi @deeveearr
try (functions.php)
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', function($wp_admin_bar) { $wp_admin_bar->remove_node('wpf-community'); }, PHP_INT_MAX );
or this CSS Code
#wp-admin-bar-wpf-community { display: none; }