Gvectors should be logging in today to do some stuff.
In the mean time, this is a new warning i got:
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1203): User percysgr_wp03409 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/percysgr/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1653
(that you do not do).
Mate I have tried, and followed all the instruction given to me. If I could debug better please let me know how and ill do it.
I am determined to find what the problem is and what has caused it
Most of what you did is not the standard Wordpress debug procedures.
I just follow the instructions im given to the best of my ability
Just keeping youll up to date.
I deactivated the my cred plug ins, as that table was apparently massive. I was still getting issues.
Gvectors logged in and revert some of the plug ins to their previous versions, and everything is running sweet.
Im not sure if this was because of the my cred being deactivated, or because of the version being down graded.
If everything keeps working like this, and is still fine tomorrow, I will reactivate the my cred stuff and see if it causes any issues. But so far it seems fixed
Everything has been working fine since Gvectors revert some of my plugs ins to the previous version.
It seems as if one of the updates was the cause of all the problems after all. I think it was down to one of the add ons, but not sure which one. I just know that since the plug ins have been revert back to the previous version, everything has been running smooth with no issues at all.
Thanks for your help on this everyone, but i think it is finally sorted.