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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Forum update time after new posts and replies

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As I'm setting up my forums and doing some tests I'm noticing there is a significant delay in things like posting a new topic and replying to a topic. I just tried posting a topic in a forum subcategory and when I back out of the subcategory itself, the new topic is reflected in the topic count and also reflected in the latest post info. But in my Wordpress admin page I do not see awaiting approval in the forums>moderation category nor have I received an email as an admin about it. It's been at least 5 minutes now and I'm just curious if this is "normal" functioning. The replies to posts also seem to not update immediately either. As I'm writing this I logged out of the account I was using to test with, closed the incognito browser I was using to test from, reopened one, logged back in and the topic I posted 14 minutes ago showed up along with the reply to another topic I made. Now this seems weird because from what I'm aware topics have to be approved prior to them being posted. This one never showed up in the moderation section and no email was sent. Any help?

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Hi @joelw

Please use WordPress Tools > Health Checker and make sure you don't have WordPress loopback problem. If you have it, you should disable other plugins and check those one by one. Please read this topic, this cases was jReviews plugin, but in your case it could be other plugins:

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So I updated my wordpress to 5.4 and used site health. Fixed any performance issues but loopback requests were one of the things my site passed on. I tried posting another topic again, hoping that maybe Wordpress being out of date was a problem. Same thing happened when I posted a topic, it didn't show up as a topic but did show up in the topic count for the subcategory and the latest post info. I immediately logged out and closed the window. Reloaded the site again in a new window and logged back in, the new topic post was there now after logging back in. It seems logging in and out makes things update. Going to try and take off all plugins and retest and repost results.

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Thank you @robert for the quick reply, I will try these and report back.

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Hi @joelw,

This also can be Emial Sending issue. When you reply it tries to send email to subscriber or to the @user you're mentioning. If your server has an issue with email sending it'll takes wpForo lots of time to get "false" result from email sending functions so the reply may last very long time.

Go to Dashboard > Forums > Tools > Debug Tab, click on Errors & Issues link and check the problems. The email problem should also be alerted there.

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Hi @robert,


I checked the debug tab and had no errors and issues. I deactivated all my plugins except wpforo and resolved this issue. So it has to do with one of my plugins. I'm going through and testing each of them, I will report back the plugin that's causing the issue so others can hopefully benefit from this post in the future. I am noticing an issue now with logging in to my forums with all the plugins disabled. I will start another thread though for this.


Thanks Robert for you help!

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So after turning on plugins one at a time, I found the plugin that was causing this issue for me. It is "LiteSpeed Cache". Once I enabled this plugin this issue returned. I'm going to turn it off and try turning on every other plugin. 

Now this is a weird weird side note, I eluded to another issue in my last reply about logging in issues. I have created a topic about this ( ). Now when I turned Litespeed Cache back on this login issue seemingly was resolved! But at the same time this issue of this topic was created again...

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To confirm for others who may come to this post experiencing a similar issue. Litespeed Cache the plugin caused this issue for me. So if you're having this issue, try turning off all plugins and go from there! Good luck and thank you @Robert for replying and assisting.

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We always recommend exclude forum page from cache plugins. 

Please read this topic: