Is there a way to highlight a post within a thread to mark it as important so it stands out among all the other posts within the thread?
I know we can make a post "sticky", but that isn't what I'm looking for.
And I know we can mark a post as "solved", but that doesn't really fit our needs either.
I just want to be able to change the color of certain posts to highlight them WITHIN a thread - marking them as important for anyone who is reading through the threads to see.
Any input or suggestions is appreciated - thank you!
Hi thedrawingboard,
I'm sorry, but wpForo doesn't have a feature to mark posts as important. We'll need to discuss this. I'll update this topic, once I've got some news for you.
Any progress on this? Highlighting a single topic would be very useful too. I have a 'how to use this forum' topic and I would like it to stand out from the rest of the topics. Or is that already possible?