I have installed WPforo and love it, but must have done something wrong when I set it up. I do not see a way for someone to add a new topic, and I cannot see the two topics I have created. Here is my site
You've create forums with incorrect slugs. So the forums were not able to be opened and you couldn't see the [add topic] button. Now I see you've set correct slugs to forums (you can leave the slug field empty, wpforo will generate it correctly).
There's no links for the registration page or login page. Fortunately, I know the URL for these pages so I registered an account. I was then able to browse your forums and find the Add Topic button.
Screenshot: https://cl.ly/3L2e2Y101Y39
Thanks for the reply...so I need to create a login and registration page? I thought I did that when I first set it up.
Thank you @candyg
Thanks for the reply...so I need to create a login and registration page? I thought I did that when I first set it up.
They are already created automatically by wpForo.
You forgotten to leave some Menu to allow visitors go to login and register page. The wpForo Menu is removed. You can bring it back or add wpForo Menus as subMenu to the top Forum menu. Use this documentation to create menus. You should put Menu Shortcodes instead of page URLs. All are explained here: