Jan 11, 2023 11:37 am
My issue is that my 2 forums have the same Page ID, "2310," which means I can't design them separately but if I change the page ID to "2311" or whatever number, "6254," "8475," etc. I get an error message and a 404 error.
So I can't set it as I want the page for my English forum ( for example, sidebar).
Once again, both pages use THE SAME PAGE ID, '2310,' and I can browse xxx.com/comunity and xxx.com/comunity_en, BUT I CAN'T design the English forum as I want because it seems it inherits from the french forum.
Please advise.
Jan 16, 2023 9:08 am
Hi @Chris. I can see that.
Thanks a lot, but for my understanding how did you change the PAge id and keep the structure and links to my En forum xxx.com/community_en? And without getting a 404 error?