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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to send post "report" not admin but to moderator?

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Hi Support,


Currently if a user reports a post, report goes to admin.

Is it possible to change that so that it goes to a moderator instead?

In my case, reporting a post to the admin is of little help since admin is an outsider. He cares for building the platform forums, not for what happens in it in its daily use, so he will not be available with the needed attention.

A moderator, who is more dedicated to care for forums contents, is the one best suited to receive and know of reported posts.

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Dashboard/Forums/Settings/Email/Forum Admins email addresses

- add or remove email addresses to that field 

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Thanks @verek, just as I needed !!

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mhm...!  not exactly, it works, but...

I would like NOT to make a "moderator" appear as an "admin" here.

"[..] email addresses of forum administrators to get forum notifications. For example post report messages."

I would need to turn "Notify Admins via email on new Topic/Post" always off, otherwise the moderator would be receiving what was intended for admins.

Moderators are not admins.

I wonder if there is a way to change it, even if it is at core code level.

Any idea @verek?

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It is a limitation of WPForo. I am in the same boat as your technical admin for a few boards, my workaround has been to switch off the topic/posts notifications for Admin, the forum admins then switch to forum subscriptions notifications . Not ideal but that is the only workaround for now.

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Thx! @verek