Hi, I would like to have visitors to my site to be able to read topics and posts on a read-only level and once registered able to add topics, add media to posts etc.. That is not how my forum is working. It is requiring everyone to register in order to read anything. The user group settings are here: https://prnt.sc/kSoaqXa1Nobe and the user roles are as follows: https://prnt.sc/BgqGDW2_Du4F . Pretty much everything is setup as default including forum accesses. Am I missing a big part of the picture? If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Hi @redrover61,
wpForo does all you want by default. Why have you changed the forum accesses?
By default, wpForo shows all forums and let guests to read topics. If some users want to create a topic or reply, he/she will be asked to register or login. This is the default behavior of wpForo.
Now, I see you've made lots of changes in forum accesses, and you try to fix your issue in usergroup settings. You should edit each category and forum one by one and set "Read Only" access to Guest usergroup.
Then you should edit the Read Only forum access in Forums > Settings > Forum Accesses admin page and make sure it's configured like this:
You have nothing to do with Usergrous, so please don't mention them.
Hi, thanks for the reply. As I mentioned in my post the forum accesses are default as seen here: https://prnt.sc/BgqGDW2_Du4F .
You should edit each category and forum one by one and set "Read Only" access to Guest usergroup.
If you are referring to this : https://prnt.sc/D5CAlsZxE3_Z , they are set as seen. I've never changed any of them from default.
you should provide screenshot of each category edit screen
I've already checked these as stated but here they are: https://prnt.sc/4_W71mf6qBlt , https://prnt.sc/UhgKvrKUYTZy , https://prnt.sc/f9wmSfFr30tI , https://prnt.sc/f4CN_RZrO24H , https://prnt.sc/8I98rCvf5eUY .
and screenshot of all forum accesses in Forum > Settings > Forum Accesses admin page
Here are the accesses edit screens (I've already sent the read only screenshot in my last post): https://prnt.sc/jH696JdpU1rR , https://prnt.sc/c9MB_kjLuGNM , https://prnt.sc/zP2BNShTsf0l , https://prnt.sc/i8Bono8FOuJ6
I've not changed any of these settings, no need to. All I've done was create the categories and forums, changed the color scheme to match my site and changed the topics to be extended so they are always visible, I think that is it. I've finally got around to checking everything on my site as a visitor and I came across this. I didn't figure this was going to be an easy issue as I have searched Google for many hours and found nothing on this issue and that's why I posted here.
you have "2" community (forum) sides, one aligned left one aligned right
you use additionally
BuddyPress + Youzify
maybe you have a setting that requires a login to be able to read the forum as a guest