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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to show usergroups under profile pic?

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Caleb Ellis
Posts: 21
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Eminent Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi, I'm need help with two things. 1st, how can I show a person's usergroup under their profile picture? (Not in the profile tab, but next to the person's message.) And 2nd, is it possible to show another usergroup, one that is linked to the main site, like 'subscriber', or 'contributor', at the same time? (Only for certain users. I don't want everyone to have those. Just people who are marked 'conrtibutors' in the main site.) Are these possible? Thanks!

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Posted by: @caleb-ellis

1st, how can I show a person's usergroup under their profile picture? (Not in the profile tab, but next to the person's message.)

Go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Members Tab and enable the "Display Usergroup under Post Author Avatar" option it for all usergroups you want.


Posted by: @caleb-ellis

And 2nd, is it possible to show another usergroup, one that is linked to the main site, like 'subscriber', or 'contributor', at the same time? (Only for certain users. I don't want everyone to have those. Just people who are marked 'conrtibutors' in the main site.)

This is not possible.

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Caleb Ellis
Joined: 4 years ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 21

@robert Thanks! I ended up making a secondary usergroup called 'Contributor' and just giving it to the people I want so they can get the tag. Thanks for the help!