I only get to see my own created topic. However, when I click to view my friend's topic in the forum, it shows me error 404. What should I do?
I think you've done some wrong configuration of usergroup and forum access settings. Also make sure your forum page is not cached by cache plugins, make sure you've excluded forum page from page plugin settings.
Please let me know what cache plugin you use and leave some URL to your website.
It seems you've played with Forum Accesses and Usergroups. You've set wrong accesses to usergroups in each forum. Or maybe you unchecked important permissions in Forum Accesses. In other words this is permissions issue. Please read the documentation and configure your forum permission correctly: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/wpforo-settings/forum-accesses/
Thank you. How about permissions of each forums. Are you sure all forum permissions look like the example you've attached here. Please go through all categories and forums, check Member usergroup permission make sure all they have Standard Access and Admin has Full Access.
Then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click on [Delete all caches] button. If you have other cache plugins please delete those caches too and exclude wpForo forum page from those cache plugins.