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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Image orientation problem

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The attached image shows correct orientation after being uploaded in wpforo. I have Advanced attachement plugin not sure if it makes any difference.

Correct orientation:

- Mobile browser safari and chrome
- When I just open it on my desktop file viewer

Incorrect orientation:

- Desktop browsers

could it be a bug?

You can see in this forum that it shows incorrect orientation also on chrome desktop, but NOT on chrome mobile.
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Hi @brakkar,

We're going to check the issue. Please wait a bit, I'll update the topic asap. 

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@sofy this was uploaded by an iPhone. It might be a clue as why it does this. 

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If you use the wpForo default attachment, it work in this way. If the file is opened with a lightbox, the modern browsers have an auto orientation system, the file will open in the right way. In another case, if it open with the direct link to the file for example /wp-content/uploads/image.jpg, you'll see the incorrect orientation.

In case if you use the wpForo Advanced Attachments add-on, please follow the steps below.

1. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forum > Dashboard admin page and make sure either "GD and Image Functions" or "PHP imagick extension" are available. 

2. If none of them are not available you should contact your hosting support and ask them to enable one of those libraries. 

3. Then increase the max_allowed memory size(it should be the big), to allow the server to oriented the images by using the GD library or imagick extension and check again.

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I think my server settings are fine, and yes I use the advanced attachement:


Web Server Apache
PHP Version 7.4.2
MySQL Version 5.7.28
PHP Max Post Size 65M
PHP Max Upload Size 64M
PHP Memory Limit 256M
PHP DateTime Class Available
GD and Image Functions Available
PHP imagick extension Available

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Thank you for details.

That means that the PHP Memory Limit 256M, it's too small to oriented the image from such a quality.

Please try to increase that value and continue checking(500, 750 and etc).

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@alvina the image is 3.4 MB, it's impossible that it needs more than 256MB of ram or more like you suggest.

Also it is correctly oriented on some devices and not on other, so it's more an interpretation of orientation. 
Other plugin like with image upload field don't have this issue.


Look at this please, it seems to be the same problem with images taken from iOS device, which is the case for that image:

People experiencing problem on desktop, not mobile also.

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The issue doesn't have any relation to the wpForo Advanced Attachment add-on, as far as it works fine with normal resolution images. If you try to upload the images with the normal resolution it'll work fine on both Desktop and mobile devices. Thus you should contact your hosting support and let them know about the issue, and asked them to increase the server max memory size. 
Please ask them to fix the issue with the uploading images with big resolutions.

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@alvina A 3.4 mb image resolution is perfectly normal those days. Why do you say a 3.4 mb image is not a normal resolution? It's taken from iPhone, most people use phone with 5MB+ images. 

The problem affects your forum as well and has nothing to do with image resolution. You can see the image I uploaded above has the problem also. So it's not just me it affects your own forum as well.

Here is a screenshot of what I see from my browser on mac chrome desktop, you can see it's wrongly oriented when served from your own url. But is ok when viewed from mobile phone.

If it was a problem with my server, it would display also wrongly on mobile, and it would display well on your forum which it isn't.

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Hi @brakkar,

The 3.2MB image is not big. But WordPress has limitation in image resolution. Also there are hosting specific issues. You can read this articles:

We recommend upload the same image using the same device in WordPress Dashboard  > Media Library and check the result. This will help us detect your server issues.