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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Include topic title in site page title

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How can I get wpForo topic titles to show up in the page titles? Right now the page title is static, always displaying the same thing no matter what forum topic I am viewing.

I could update on the fly with JavaScript, but this does not help me for social sharing and SEO purposes.


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Note: I see the page titles displaying correctly in this forum. Any ideas why they are not displaying correctly in mine?

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The title IS working well for me also.

You seem to have some conflict. Disable your plugins one by one and find the cause of it.

Or even enable WP DEBUG.LOG and check for possible errors.

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Hm... I'm thinking it may be a conflict with the Divi theme. Still digging, very frustrating.

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Ok, hacked it! 

To make this work on my site, I had to add the following line to my child theme's functions.php : 

add_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', 'wpforo_meta_wp_title', 100);

Note, this is taken and modified from line 625 of /wpforo/wpf-includes/wpf-hooks.php. I just changed the filter from 'wp_title' to 'pre_get_document_title'.


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Posted by: @joekotvas

Ok, hacked it! 

To make this work on my site, I had to add the following line to my child theme's functions.php : 

add_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', 'wpforo_meta_wp_title', 100);

Note, this is taken and modified from line 625 of /wpforo/wpf-includes/wpf-hooks.php. I just changed the filter from 'wp_title' to 'pre_get_document_title'.


Can you tell us what to do , the exact steps ?

Jusr edit the line in /wpforo/wpf-includes/wpf-hooks.php


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Thank you for sharing this code.

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