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Style [Solved] Insert-Link pop-up - How to change the text color?

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I have a problem with the popup that appears when trying to insert a link. The text that explains the three different fields is white - just like the background - so you can't read it.

I hope the picture explains it. So my question is: How can I change the text color for this popup?

Thank you for any ideas!

4 Replies
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Hi @thoger,

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, put the following CSS code in the  "Custom CSS Code" textarea.

.mce-container, .mce-container * {
color: #e8003d;
.mce-window .mce-window-head .mce-title {
color: #e8003d;

Please note the red marked value can be changed.

In any case please don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.

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Hi @alvina,

I did what you suggested. I entered the code (it also appears in color.css - at the end of the file) and I renewed all the caches and updated the browser several times. Unfortunately without success. Do you have another idea? Did I miss something or did something wrong?

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Noble Member
Posts: 1523


try this Code

.mce-widget.mce-label, .mce-checkbox .mce-label {
color: #e8003d;
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Joined: 5 years ago


that worked! Thank you! 😊 👍