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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Installing breaks regular WP comments

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Installing the plugin breaks any of my pages that happened to be open to regular WP comments. Those pages fail to fully load.

Other pages (and the forum plugin) work fine. Any ideas?


Related question: Can I migrate the comments into wpForo?


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Hi @bfelix,

This is something that has no chance to happen. wpForo has no any relation to other posts and pages. Please disable wpForo, delete it, then install it again. After the installation, please delete all caches, reset CDN if you have, then delete optimizer/minifier plugins cache.

And please a direct URL to a page where we could see the problem.

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@robert thanks for the quick response. I will play with it. What about migrating existing comments into wpForo?


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I'm really sorry but I don't follow you well. Please try to explain in other words.

Also, I'll suggest you to check out the wpForo – Blog Cross Posting add-on. 

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@alvina thanks, this add-on is close to what I am asking. Wordpress allows for comments on both blog posts and pages. We have comments already on a few PAGES (not posts). So I was hoping to import those comments into wpForo. Do you know if the plugin works for both pages and posts, or just posts?


The comments are stored in the same WP table (wp_comments), and I already also have a CSV of that table, if that could help. I guess I can look at the table structure of wpForo and see if I can transform/load it. But I wonder if there is something that can load a CSV file of comments?




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@robert I did a little testing on this and could replicate on a local test server - attached is a screenshot showing with plugin activated. You can see how the comments no longer function.


I disabled all other plugins with no success.


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as shown on the page (there should be 3 comments)

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with wpForo deactivated (comments working properly)

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This is very strange. I think this is a local host configuration issue.

First disable all plugins and only enable wpForo.

If the problem exists switch the current active theme to some defaults theme (I see this is a localhost so this is a dev website and you can do such manipulation)

If the problem still exists, install a fresh WordPress and wpForo on the same localhost (ins some sub directory).  If the problem still exists then this is your localhost server configuration issue, we can't help you. You should move to some live hosting. And the problem will be automatically fixed.

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@robert Thanks. I've tried the deactivation/activation of plugins, and the theme switch, but no luck.


What finally worked was upgrading to Wordpress 5.4! Unfortuantely this caused other issues so I know we cannot upgrade our site just yet.

I wonder if there is something specific to Wordpress 4.9.8?

Would it be possible to try an earlier version of wpForo?


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You should have to say your WordPress version first. Yes, I think this is a WordPress version issue. I'm sorry, but we can't support such an old WordPress version, I'd recommend do all you can do to fix other issues related to 5.4 upgrade, because your website will not have a future staying with 4.9.8 version.

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@robert thank you, making sense now. I appreciate the assistance.