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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Is it possible to do this?

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I have a weather forum created with wpForo, great plugin I'm even translating it fully to Portugal's Portuguese! But I have a "need" that I don't know it is possible to do...

Since it is a weather forum I need to know people's locations.

Right now I'm telling people to add them in the signature which fixes the issue, but not fully.

I have to tell 1 by 1 for people to do that.

Is it possible to make that (adding location in signature or any other visible place near the avatar for example) obligatory when registering? 

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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi TinkrTonkr,

I'm really sorry but there is no way to do this. However you can manage User Fields on registration page and make it required to select the location using wpForo User Custom Fields paid addon. You can find more information about this addon here: