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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Is there any way to add new posts to the forum programatically?

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I was wondering if WPForo has some functions similar to `wp_update_post()` and `wp_insert_post()` which can be used to add forum topics programatically.


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Hi @wpforonoob,

Below is provided the codes that add a topics and posts in the forum. You just need to change red marked codes before using:

$topic = array(
   'userid' => USERID,
   'title' => TITLE,
   'body' => BODY,
   'forumid' => FORUMID,
   'views'   => VIEWS,
   'type'  =>  TYPE,
   'created' => CREATED

$reply = array(
   'userid' => USERID,
   'title' => TITLE,
   'body' => BODY,
   'topicid' => TOPICID,
   'created' => CREATED

The arrays below contain only required arguments. If you need to insert additional arguments just get the fields name from the following tables:

  • wp_wpforo_posts
  • wp_wpforo_topics

the wp_ is just a prefix. In your case it can differ. 

If you open the topic and post classes you'll find all methods you want to use. 

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Thanks @sofy 🙂

WPForo is awesome.


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@wpforonoob @tward @sofy

Did anyone manage to do this from a cron job or similar code not already logged in? I tried adding the following code, and although it seems to login the user to wordpress, the topic is not made. I am assuming there is some login issue. How to properly login to wpForo?

require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-load.php' );
$user_login = 'admin'; 
$user = get_userdatabylogin($user_login);
$user_id = $user->ID; 
wp_set_current_user($user_id, $user_login);
do_action('wp_login', $user_login);

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Don't search solution to login to wpForo, just search solution for login in WordPress. wpForo authorization is based on WordPress functions, there is no wpForo way to login, once you WordPress you'll be login in wpForo too. So just open a support topic in WordPress support forum or search in WordPress login functions: