We have an ongoing issue with registered users periodically getting an overall forums landing page with no forums shown.
Each time this happens, I use the "Delete All Caches" button and the forums all magically appear again.
I want to stop this happening altogether as it is damaging the reputation of the business when customers keep reporting they can't get into the forum.
For context, this was happening much more often, so I turned off wpForo's internal caching (set "Enable Cache" to "No" in "Board Settings"). The WordPress site uses W3 Total Cache and I have set the following URL exceptions to the Page Caching as per the wpForo instructions:
wp-.*\.php index\.php /community/ /participant/ /sign-up/ /sign-in/ /change-password/
However, somehow wpForo is still caching a blank overall forums page (or something similar) forcing us to have to use the Delete All Caches button each time a user reports the issue. So far, we cannot nail down the circumstances that cause this.
Should I be adding more URL exceptions to W3 Total Cache? Is there any other settings I should be making to disable the wpForo internal cache? Could something else be storing some clashing information that wpForo uses for it's caching?
Hi @Chris,
No, I have Nginx + Apache on the server end and the only server caching option is Nginx caching which is disabled. The only option enabled is "smart static file processing" for Nginx.
The only thought that occurred to me over the weekend is that the forum has the default base slug of "community", but we have a some pages that have a base slug of "community-portal" which will be cached... could they be causing any kind of clash (just considering if your caching doesn't cater for the closing "/" in the URL bases).
Then find where "community-portal" is. Maybe some menus? Does that page exist in your WP pages dashboard?
Also in your FORUM pages html source (view it with your browser), is there ANY caching signature at the end?
And to be honest W3TC probably is the cause.
Can you post your URL?
"/community-portal/resources - one of the WordPress page" what does that mean? I don't understand. Is that outside wpForo?
Do not change anything as wpForo base page ("community" as you say) because it will deindex your current forum in search engines and upset your in-site SEO.