Jan 05, 2019 12:05 pm
I have tried to translate the wp foro plugin using the Loco translate plugin to make it better fit the language of my website. It have mostly gone well, but there are a number of words that the loco plugin can not find to index and which leaves me unable to translate it. Examples of these words are:
- Forum icons
- Nickname
- Display Name
- URL Address Identifier
- User Groups Secondary
I also downloaded the private message, the cross blog post and the advanced embeds add-on where I have experienced further difficulties (here I found the word to translate, it just simply don't show the translated version) with the following words and phrases:
- Messages
- Create New Private Conversation
- Conversation Members
- Conversation Title
- More discussion
- Forum Reply
- This comment is also posted as a reply in related forum topic.
- Comment
I was wondering if anyone could help me on how to get all these words and phrases properly translated? 🙂
1 Reply
Jan 05, 2019 9:28 pm
You can translate all front-end phrases using wpForo phrase system. Just search for a phrase, edit and translate it. if you don't find any phrase, click on the [add new] button, insert the identical english version as phrase key and the translation version as phrase value. More info in doc: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/translation/quick-translation-phrases/