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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Last registered members

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I need to hide "last registered member" at the bottom of the forum, for every kind of usergroup and/or for some specific usergroup. But for privacy reasons I would really like to be able to hide at all.

Even if I hide the statistics, it doesn't disappear as it's in a different block. Could you tell me how can I do it, please? 

Thank you,


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Try this custom CSS code. Put it in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea. Save, delete all caches:

.wpf-stat-other > span:nth-child(2) {
display: none !important;
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@robert thanks, but tt doesn't seem to work 🙁

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the code works fine
give us a link to your forum so we can check why it does't work for you

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Actually, If i log in with a role with standard access, I see the last member registered as same role with standard access. If I'm a guest, I see another member as last member (with no access). If I log in as a member who has no access I see "anonymous" as last member registered.

I would like to hide it always, and of course mainly from guest, but from kind of member as well.

Thank you again!


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the code removes the last registered member regardless of the user role

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@tutrix it doesn't work for me
How can I share with you the link privately?

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You can use my contact form

or wait for an answer from Robert and share him the link via email

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You must have an empty forum with no posts, so the last post is not displayed
therefore the last registered member is not at the second place ...child(2)


.wpf-stat-other > span:nth-child(1) {
display: none !important;
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Posts: 94

@tutrix thank you! It works now! 🙂

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if you still have problems with it, you can remove this line from the footer.php

<span><i class="fas fa-user-plus"></i> <?php wpforo_phrase('Our newest member') ?>: <?php wpforo_member_link($stat['newest_member']); ?></span>

wpforo > wpf-themes > classic > footer.php

best way to do this > Documentation Theme Customization