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Likes behaving weird again

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I have been playing around with the likes function on my own website using different browsers but also on THIS website and I see similar issues.


Even on this websites, when i hit "like", sometimes it will show "you liked" but sometimes not at all. It will just show the thumbs up like on my page.


Honestly guys, this is not an issue isolated to my site or browsers. I tried in both Firefox and Chrome and for me it happens on this website too.

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I'm sorry but we cannot detect the issue which happens "sometimes". We don't see such a problem and we don't have error logs/messages or an exact details which may help us to accept it as a bug and try to fins solution for you. 

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Posts: 400

@robert ok sure, but I am just telling you that I 100% see likes behaving strangely here as well. At least I have confirmed it for myself. A like should be registered with the name displayed every single time you click it. That is not the case on my site and not here either.

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