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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Login URL Slug

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Hi. Is there a way to change the url slug for login and register. Currently, im using the default wpforo login feature and the slug is: It's the same with register. I'd like to change it to or /register. Is this possible?

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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi @shaleedt,

I'm really sorry, but currently, wpForo doesn't change its own URLs. You can use the "Custom Authorization URLs" option if you have other pages for authorization. For example, if you use BuddyPress or Ultimate Member plugin you can set these values:

Login URL: /login/
Register URL: /register/

Navigate to Forums > Settings > Members admin page and put UM Login/Register/LostPassword page slugs in according field of Authorization URLs settings:

Posts: 1
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hello Team,

With the custom Authorization URL, is there a option to redirect to the referrer page?

for example:

We use auth0 as our authentication source. Most Forum sites use their own login; so does wpforo but wpforo does have an epic 'custom Authorization URL' functionality. Is there a way to add a filter into function.php which will help us redirect back to the refer (previous) when using a 'custom Authorization URL'.