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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] multilingual issues

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Hello! I used the Loco Translate plugin to download the pt_BR.po file. But when I go to the wpforo page on settings it only has english available. Additionally, on the website itself changing the language does not change the language of the interface of the forum. I am looking to run my website on both English and Portuguese and have had little trouble with other translations, but can't seem to figure this out. I'm sure there must be some step i'm missing but reading previous topics about multilingual issues they seem to stem from people trying to set up different pages. I am not. I have both my Eng and PT-BR topics on the same page. But the interface itself doesn't change languages when I switch the language on the website. Please help!

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Hi @willpowerwisps,

wpForo Phrases doesn't have any relation to your translation files. The phrase system is only designed for quick editing and changing frontend phrases, it's not for multi-language forums.

wpForo Forum language is based on WordPress language set in Dashboard > Settings > General admin page. You should only use the XML Language selector if you’ve created different language XML’s and uploaded in wpForo phrase system.

If you changed WP language wpForo already loaded on that language. You can see buttons and other parts (user interface) are already in your website language. If some phrase is not translated you should edit your website current language translation file (PO/MO) in /wpforo/wpf-languages/ directory and complete the translation.

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Thank you for your help!

Unfortunately, i'm not very tech savvy and could use some further assistance. Would changing the language settings not simply change the forum to portuguese and make it unavailable in english? Is there no way for the interface itself to be multilingual? Please advise.

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My website is in both english (default) and portuguese. But I cannot figure out how to translate wpforo's interface to portuguese. Whenever I click the forum link on the portuguese side of the website it redirects me to the english side of the website. If I go to the forum page and then switch the language, it redirects me to the home page. Please advise how I can have visitors toggle between the two languages.

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You should install Loco Translate plugin and translate all missing phrases. Only User Interface phrases are available for translation, the forum content cannot be translated.

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@robert Thank you for your response! I do have the Loco Translate plugin downloaded and I was able to find the pt-br translation file. But i'm unsure what to do to make it so the interface (not forum content) changes languages with the website.

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@willpowerwisps ,

Interface will be changed once you changed WordPress language to the same language in Dashboard > Settings > General admin page or if you have a language switcher on front-end it'll be changed with that.

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@robert I apologize, I think I was not clear in what I am trying to do. First, changing the language to portuguese does not change the language on the user end. I tried this to see what it would do, and while the settings on my end as an admin do switch to portuguese; what the user sees remains in english. The same happens if the language is switched.

What I need is for when people go to my website they see the forum options they can select in english or portuguese based on their language settings. Right now, they will only see english.

After some research I believe (and please verify if this is correct) that the issue is that the pot for portuguese for wpforo is incomplete (only at 88%). We are currently in the process of editing the remaining phrases through poedit so that the translation is at 100% but we are unsure where to proceed from that point.

Please advise specifically how I get to the language files within the wpforo plugin (I know I need to 'go to /wp-content/languages/plugins/' but I do not know how to get there. How do I get to the plug in files directory. As in, what options to I 'click' within wordpress to get to that area. I keep seeing the plugin files being referenced but I have no idea how to get to them.

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@willpowerwisps ,

Let's stop on the first

Posted by: @willpowerwisps

@robert I apologize, I think I was not clear in what I am trying to do. First, changing the language to portuguese does not change the language on the user end.

  • Why it's not changed? How do you change the website language?
  • Are you sure wpForo has the language you're changing?
  • What have you done so far to translate wpForo to your language?
  • Where are the wpForo PO/MO translation files of your language located?


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-Why it hasn't changed? I don't know. I have tried changing it both on the back end (through wordpress's settings) and on the front end (polylang language switcher) both of which do nothing. It remains in english.
-Yes and no. I still don't know how to check the plugin files for my specific download of wpforo but I do have loco translate plugin downloaded and under wpforo it has the portuguese file which I have downloaded on my computer.
-I have tried the following
          -changing the translator plugin i'm using (i'm using polylang right now but I was originally using WPGlobus)

           -changing the language manually through word press's settings
           -Manually changing the url to (this just created an additional null page that i've since deleted)
           -Downloading Loco Translate and hitting 'sync' on the Portuguese wpforo translation file
           -Downloading the PO file with the intent to manually upload it to the plug in but I do not know how to do that and I can't seem to find anywhere were someone explains how to navigate to the plugin files.
-The file location is:  languages/plugins/wpforo-pt_BR.po


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@robert It's been a little over a week since I provided the details you asked for in your response. Is there anything else you need? this problem still persists.

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Posted by: @willpowerwisps

both of which do nothing. It remains in english.

Where can I check it, any URL?

Can you zip and attach the "wpforo-pt_BR.po" and "" files you are currently using in the /wp-content/languages/plugins/ directory?

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@willpowerwisps ,

As far as I see, this is the translation plugin incompatibility issue. When you change the language it doesn't find Brazilian translation of the forum page, so just edit the forum page, click the Edit Page button on the top of the forum page, and make sure it has BR translation, then save it.

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@robert I'm sorry but could you be a little more specific on how to do this? I've tried doing that and it doesn't work. More specifically, it adds a 'null' page with a 'community-2' slug that leads nowhere or reroutes back to the english page.

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@willpowerwisps ,

Please contact us via support[at] and refer to this topic.

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Hi @willpowerwisps,

Thank you for the access details. The problem comes from the Multi Language plugin you're currently using. This plugin doesn't change the general language of the WordPress page, so the WordPress core doesn't understand that you're currently viewing another language, this plugin performs the language change in its own core. This is the reason why wpForo cannot detect the language. This is a big issue and makes wpForo incompatible with the ML plugin you use. I'm really sorry, but there is no solution for this issue, wpForo is not compatible with your ML plugin. But this issue can be fixed if you use the Polylang Pro version. As far as i see here, there is a way to change language with without changing the page slug (URL Path), so this will work with wpForo:

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Thank you for your assistance so far, and I apologize for not responding sooner. I could not test your recommendation until I had the funds to purchase Polylang Pro.

Unfortunately, this has only solved about 50% of my problem. Now that I can share the community page on the pt-br and eng side with the same slug, clicking on the forum page no longer re-directs users to the english side of the website. this is great! unfortunately, the entire wpforo interface remains in english even on the pt-br side of the website.

You've said that this is an issue with my ML plugin. Are there any ML plugins you Know to be compatible with wpforo?  

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wpForo has been tested with WPML and it was working well.

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@martin I can’t seem to find WPML on the plugins page in Wordpress. Do you know where else I can download it?

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WPML is a paid plugin, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea to suggest.

First, I'd recommend testing these three free plugins:

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@robert Thank you for your recommendations! This morning I was able to work with Polylang Pro Support to resolve the issue i've been having.

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Did they fix something in their plugin code, or maybe it was some setting configuration issue?