10 Replies
Feb 04, 2020 1:19 pm
Your theme has a function which turns all Font Awesome Icons to SVG icons. Please find the Icon to SVG converter option in your theme or maybe in a separate plugin you use and disable it. If you can't find just contact to your theme developers and ask them how to disable the icon to SVG converter function. This function affects all wpForo icons.
Feb 05, 2020 8:39 am
My theme has no option.
Can you explain in detail?
which have i need?
do you know about any plugin.
Feb 06, 2020 9:03 am
wpForo doesn't have <i> to SVG converter so it has no any chance to be wpForo problem. Ok, let's try to deactivate other plugins, delete all cache and test it aga
Not working.
If we still don't find the SVG converter I'll provide fixing CSS code to style SVG icons.
I need your Method.