Hi everyone. I have some many thing wrong with the Wpforo software right now. I don't even know where ot start. It is slowing down every day and seems to just get worse and worse.
I am getting messages from users everyday saying the site is very slow, and whenever they like a post it takes ages for the like to go through, over 30 seconds and up to a minute each time they like a post.
The likes badges are not being automatically awarded any more either.
I have a very powerful server with lots of RAM I don't think the issues are on my server side. this is something to do with the software. I have let it slip for a while now, but it is time to try and get these issues fixed and get the site back to normal speed.
IThe likes /reactions are causing massive load time. I think it is time for me to get rid of the points on Mycred, as this seems to be the biggest problem ( MyQuery tells me what causes the long page loads)
Anyway, I need someone from Wpforo to log in and take a look if you'll don't mind? Can you help please and help me get to the bottom of this?
I have:
16gb RAM
250GB NVMe SSD Storage
3TB Transfer
6 Cores
on my server, I just thought I would add these specs. It might let you know if I have enough power to run all this or not. My site is pretty big now. And as we have discussed in the past, I have millions of logs in my likes databases. I just want my site to be running smooth again and need ot figure out how i can do that
The likes /reactions are causing massive load time. I think it is time for me to get rid of the points on Mycred, as this seems to be the biggest problem ( MyQuery tells me what causes the long page loads)
I recommend disable MyCRED for a few days and see the difference. We know very well how many SQLs it runs on each page loading process.