How-to and Troubleshooting
Jul 26, 2021 9:45 am
Hi guys, this morning i got up to my forum being down completely:
Error establishing a database connection
I have other sites on the same server and they are all working fine. Just the forum site is down...... I have the host trying to find the error, but i thought I would come here and let you know.
As the other sites are working fine, I assume this is something to do with the software jsut on my forum?
Any ideas?
5 Replies
Jul 26, 2021 9:49 am
I'd recommend you contact to hosting support and let them know. They'll say the reason of this problem. It's either, the MySQL server is down or your website is hacked. In any case, you should find error reports or get some info from the hosting. This is the website issue, not the forum. This error doesn't concern to the forum plugin.