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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Phrase frontend choice ONLY... "English" ?

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WP 5.1.1

Wpforo 1.6.1.

Mac 10.4.3


In Phrase frontend

... wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-phrases

No way to change from English to French (or any other language)

the only choice is "English"... no other language in the label

dispite of

1/ Wordpress General setting to "Francais" ..... langage du site "Français"


Register : "all" .... Inscription = "Tout le monde peut s'enregistrer"

2/ ftp in wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-languages/

I can see wpforo-fr_FR.po and and a LOT of .po and .mo files

CZ, DK, DE , Es, MX, IR, FR, Il... etc ....

and wpforo.pot

3/ PHP Version 5.6.39

4/ reset of "Phrase cache" (for me "Supprimer le cache des phrases")


NO possibility, in Phrase frontend, to choose another language different from "English"


Have you a solution



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Hi @aqwedc,

Please read the description of that option. That's not the way you should change forum language. This option is only related to XML language files. This is not the general language changing option. You should upload a translation XML file to have a new language option in this drop-down. If you are using PO/MO translation files you should change WordPress Language in Dashboard > Settings admin page in order to load wpForo with according translation.

wpForo Forum language is based on WordPress language set in Dashboard > Settings > General admin page. You should only use the XML Language selector if you’ve created different language XML’s and uploaded in wpForo phrase system.

If you changed WP language wpForo already loaded on that language. You can see buttons and other parts (user interface) are already in your website language. If some phrase is not translated you should edit your website current language translation file (PO/MO) in /wpforo/wpf-languages/ directory and complete the translation.

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Many thanks for you quick reply

You reply "This option is only related to XML language files"


"You should upload a translation XML file to have a new language option in this drop-down"



My second question

Where can I  find the "FRENCH XML language file" for WPFORO phrase frontend



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I'm sorry but there is no XML files for other languages yet.

If your website is single language website, you can edit each phrase and translate to French in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page as it's explained in doc:

If your website is multi-language, you should install Loco Translate plugin and translate PO/MO files, some part of those already translated. In other words you should not use the XML phrase system for multi-language forums, just use the regular PO/MO files.