If I change the styles on the forum to change the default fonts it doesn't seem to affect the editor text box.
It still says 11pt even thought I have changed the default font size.Β Should that value reflect the actual size of the default font the person will be typing with?Β I've had some confusion thinking the text in the post is 11pt.Β When I look at the post in the browser debugger, it shows 16px.
Is this the way it is meant to work?
Related to the editor - is there a way to add a photo to the post? I don't see any image option in the editor.Β
Thanks!Β I added the custom code, added the css, cleared cache, etc and I still see 11pt in the reply editor window.Β Β
Please remove the old customizations you've done and just put the following code in your current active theme functions.php file:
Β add_filter('wpforo_editor_settings', function ($settings){
$settings['tinymce']['content_style'] .= 'p{font-size:14pt;}';
return $settings;
Change the red marked code before using it.