Apr 24, 2020 10:17 am
I used WpForo on one of my pages and want to hide all post before I have allowed it. But the moderation is not working. The posts are showing up also for other Users although I didn´t approve them. I unchecked the option
Can pass moderation and Set post count for moderation to 100 posts (in Spam settings)
11 Replies
Apr 24, 2020 10:26 am
Hi Robert,
thank you for replying so fast. This is turned on already. I crated a new usergroup (Subscriber) but it doesent work. See attatched img.
I can see in the Backend, that the post hast to be moderated but on frontpage the post is visible and users can reply to it. I want the post to be hidden for all Users (so that only admins can see the post)
Apr 24, 2020 10:48 am
Hi Robert,
Yes, both testing users are "Abonnenten"
I am creating the Post with the Abonnent User
Topic is created new
The cache is deleted