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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Posting with emoticon gives "reply request error"

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Posts: 217
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Hello support.
I have asked before about this but did not received a reply so i decided to create a topic.

I try to reinstall plugin after this flush all caches and update Forum and Users statistics but problem persist.
Also what i observed when i insert them the looks are different than the ones in wpForo, see attachment.

11 Replies
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I had this exact same fault, I logged it over on the gvectors forum and with the help of Tom over there and Robert here, the fault was resolved.

For me its was related to needing charset utf8mb4_unicode_ci, once I ran the advised SQL to update the Db, selecting emoji's no longer stopped posts. I'm not saying your problem is the same but its a place to start checks.

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This problem solution is already described in FAQ section. Please follow to this topic:

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I have successfully updated almost all wpForo tables as suggested in Robert Solution but one table gives error not know why.

ALTER TABLE `xx_wpforo_subscribes` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes 

Update: emoticons are working now, should i leave that table as is without change Collate?

Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

For the subscriptions table please execute this SQL before converting it to utf8mb:

ALTER TABLE `wp_wpforo_subscribes`
CHANGE COLUMN `user_name` `user_name` VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci' AFTER `active`,
CHANGE COLUMN `user_email` `user_email` VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci' AFTER `user_name`;
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