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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Private form is not totally private. Please confirm if my method is completely secure.

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Our forum needs to be private. 

So in Forum Accesses I unchecked all Read Only settings (because removing all the Guest group permissions had no effect).  

I expected to be shown a login form on the forum when this happened. But it doesn't. It show the forum, but shows empty posts.

So my idea is do a redirect on the page, unless its Register, Login, Forgot Password process. 

But I would like to know, if I add a redirect if the user is on page /forum/ for example, is there any other way forum data could be viewed and indexed by Google, maybe via some other plugin link?


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Hi @amityweb,

It's totally private. You should edit each forum of the forum tree and set no access to the usergroup you want. This is a result of wrong configuration. 

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Make sure all forums from the top parent category to the lowest sub-forum are edited and set No Access to the Guest and all usergroups you need to hide. Read this instruction as well:

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If I have set Read Only access to remove all permissions, then should be OK? 

Here is my redirect code for reference, seems to be working well:

function wp_foro_redirect()
	    $postid = get_queried_object_id();
		if($postid == '1234') // ID of page where WPForo shortcode is
			if($_GET['foro'] != 'signin' && $_GET['foro'] != 'signup' && $_GET['foro'] != 'lostpassword' && $_GET['foro'] != 'resetpassword' )
				wp_redirect( '/forum/?foro=signin&redirect_to=/forum' );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wp_foro_redirect' );


And remove sidebar on the register, login, forgotpassword pages. Needs classes added to <body> for logged in/logged out. 

.user-loggedout .wpforo-content 
	width: 100%!important;
.user-loggedout .wpforo-right-sidebar,
.user-loggedout #wpforo-footer,
.user-loggedout li.wpforo-recent,
.user-loggedout li.wpforo-home,
.user-loggedout .wpf-search-form
	display: none!important;

And added disallow to robots.txt for the forum URL.