Hello, There have been issues with forum moderation buttons for a while. The problem occurred after a recent WordPress update. Both buttons for administrators and users are not working. How to fix it ??
hi @ianeshine,
All buttons are AJAX powered buttons, and they stop working if you have a JS error on your website. The JS error may come from other plugins and from the theme if they are not compatible with the new WordPress.
First, make sure you use the latest version of wpForo and wpForo Addons (if you have any).
Then delete all caches and purge CDN if you have, then press Ctrl+F5 on forum front-end to make sure.
If the problem is not fixed, leave a direct URL to your forum. We'll check JS errors and let you know.
Before I wrote this topic, I checked everything. The forum and plugins are up to date. I wiped all cache, refreshed everything and still not working any options: quote, close, edit. I disabled all plugins on the site and checked the same. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do with it.
My website https://www.secretland.pl
To use the forum you must follow the registration process and the account must be approved by the administrator.
PS. @robert, wouldn't the Polish language be easier for us to communicate ??