I notice today that some translations are no longer displayed resp. replaced by English. When I check the translations in backend, however, everything there is unchanged and correct - and it has been correct so far.
The only thing I changed is to set up a second board for testing purposes. Can this be related, and if so, how do I get it to go away?
Thanks for your support,
Hi @berndg ,
I find the screenshot unclear. If you are referring to the post date and time information, WordPress handles the translation of the datetime information. To display the date and time correctly on the frontend, you should change the WordPress language to your preferred language.
But the single word "hour" or "hours" neither show up in the translation-tool of WPForo nor in Loco Translate. Nor does "day" oder "days" as a single word.
and that doesn't work for you either?
If you didn't find some phrase you can add it as well. just use the [Add New] button.
This is not wpForo problem so it may take even month to solve if you still use incorrect way to translate. First you should make sure the translation files are stored in update safe place. After installing wpForo and Logo translate plugin you should create/edit the language you want and copy the translation file to logo folder or to WordPress translation folder.
Logo Translate plugin lets you copy the new language file to appropriate directories. The PM/MO files should be located in /wp-content/languages/plugins/ directory or in /wp-content/languages/loco/plugins/. Please make sure the po/mo files have wpforo- prefix, without this prefix they’ll not be processed.
If you don't keep them in a safe directory they will be removed and updated from wordpress.org with old ones and you'll have to translate them again.